How not to disinfect your smartphone? Be careful in times of pestilence
Most of us have already learned the rules to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We know what precautions to take and how to take care of our hands. Some also know how to disinfect a smartphone, or at least they think they do. It turns out that this can't be done in every way described online. See more: https://inlookup.com
In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone is well aware of the importance of frequent hand washing and disinfection. The problem is that COVID-19 can also spread on surfaces such as glass, plastic and paper. In favourable conditions it will survive for up to 5 days.
Taking this into account, we should disinfect most of our everyday objects. And certainly those that serve us outside the house. One of the equipment we use the most is a smartphone. Are you sure you know how to disinfect it?
On the surface of a smartphone we can find a number of viruses (including influenza virus) and dangerous bacteria. This of course applies to devices that are not regularly cleaned and disinfected. A few months ago, hardly anyone cared about this activity, but today, in the "time of plague", we attach more and more importance to this issue.
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The problem remains, however, insufficient knowledge about how to disinfect a smartphone and other similar mobile devices. Improper disinfection or cleaning can be detrimental to the equipment, and being overly cautious usually means inaccurate surface decontamination.
Speaking of surfaces. Today, most of them consist of glass, on which a virus can survive even a few days. In plastic and other materials this time is slightly shorter. This means that not disinfecting mobile devices is just asking for trouble. Incorrectly executed disinfection can also be asking for trouble. So what should we not do?
- The use of bleach is great for disinfecting various surfaces, including door handles, but its aggressive action can cause damage to the casing of our smartphone.
- Cleaning a running device is not the best idea. In case of contact with liquid it may cause a short circuit. Remember that even if your device is certified as water resistant, it is only for water.
- Use of substances available "in the kitchen" such as dish liquid or sprays for contaminated surfaces. By doing so, you are only asking for damage to your equipment.
- Bathing in soaps works on your hands, but depending on the substances used to produce a particular soap, the liquid can get into the crevices of the smartphone case.
- Washing under running water seems okay, but it has little effect on disinfecting smartphones.
So how do you disinfect a smartphone?
First of all, it is worth reaching for screen cleaners available in electronics stores (currently mail order). A better solution, of course, is to use a 70% solution of isopropyl alcohol or cloths soaked in it.
As a last resort, you can use a very delicate microfiber cloth or one with similar characteristics. You should first soak it in soapy water and squeeze it carefully. When it is "almost dry" you can proceed to carefully wipe the device.
I think I do not have to explain that you should also disinfect the case, which rests on the smartphone for most of the time of its use? In this case, much depends on the material from which the case is made. If it's an ordinary plastic with the properties of plastic, it's enough to soap it well, then rinse with running water.
More articles: https://inlookup.com

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